Nicholls Rivulet

Nicholls Rivulet, Tasmania, 7112

  ranked 45 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Aggregate Data of Nicholls Rivulet
State: Tasmania
Postal code: 7112 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Deep Bay
Eggs And Bacon Bay
Overall rating: 8.1, ranked 45 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Population: 309, ranked 107 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Measurement: 37.3756 km2 , ranked 25 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Population density: 8.27 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 0 m
Average level of education: 10.92 years , ranked 51 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Median yearly personal income: 27248 AUD , ranked 80 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Median weekly personal income: 524 AUD , ranked 80 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Median weekly family income: 1471 AUD , ranked 51 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Median weekly household income: 1187 AUD , ranked 52 in all 127 suburbs of Hobart
Nicholls Rivulet suburbs nearby
Crabtree 7109
Sorell 7172
Lutana 7009
Dulcot 7025
Clifton Beach 7020
Huonville 7109
Broadmarsh 7030
Campania 7026
Franklin 7113
Updated: 2019-05-24 23:49:48